Sale Price: $40,000 Watch Price Make An Offer
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Vining Marine Limited

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Vining Marine Limited


Title 1978 LIDGARD IMP
Type Marine
Sub Type Boats
Class Sail
Model IMP
Year 1978
Sale Price $40,000
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 9757
RefCode TA1248308
Hull MaterialPly-Glass
Length - metres10.4
Length - feet34.12
Engine Hours4450


John Lidgard Imp - Built in 1978 by Peter Clements with guidance from J. Lidgard. Her construction is double diagonal kauri glassed over with glassed ply decks built over the kauri frame. "Imp - Zap" is powered by a Yanmar 3GM30 27hp diesel engine which will give her a cruise of 6 knots and a maximum speed of 7 knots. Both of the saloon seats pull out to make two double berths in addition to the two single quarter berths and forward V berth.
Sails included are a 2012 Mainsail, a No.1 Headsail on the furler in good condition and a spare No.2 Headsail.
Fridge/freezer (compressor driven), some galley gear, stereo, 2 x gas bottles, invertor, 2 x 12v batteries (1 x house and 1 x start), mainsail cover, spray dodger, EPIRB, some flares (OOD), Life raft (OOD), 2 x lifejackets, Depth Sounder, Autohelm
This boat is in Waikawa Marina and has a berth that could be transferrable to a new owner.
To view this vessel, please do not hesitate to contact our Waikawa Office on 0357 37457

Location: Picton