Now’s the time to have your say on Council’s Navigation Bylaw, with the submission period for feedback now open.
The new bylaw will replace the current 2009 Navigation Bylaw and will include minor amendments to address key issues and improve clarity.
Marlborough’s current Navigation Bylaw came into force in July 2010 and contains rules relating to maritime and navigation safety. It helps with the regulation of shipping and activities on the waters of the region.
Under the Maritime Transport Act, regional councils can make bylaws to regulate and control activities and prevent nuisances arising. This includes controlling anchorages, placement and maintenance of moorings and specifying requirements for carrying and using lifejackets on boats.
Harbourmaster Captain Jake Oliver says a review of the bylaw began in 2017 but was not completed due to issues arising from the emergence of the iReX ferries project and subsequent delays due to Covid.
“Proposed changes to the bylaw include correcting information relating to the working channel for Picton Harbour Radio, incorporating water ski access lanes not currently included, updating fees and charges levied on activities and editing changes to improve the bylaw’s readability,” he says.
“There are areas of the bylaw that will need greater attention and in-depth consultation with operators and the community.
“These will be pursued as amendments at a later date and are anticipated to include requirements on wearing lifejackets, carrying communications, vessel identification, AIS (automatic identification system), common passage plans and commercial shipping operations.”
The submission period closes on 1 October 2023. A sub-committee may be formed to deliberate on submissions.
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Photography: Mark de Jong on Unsplash