The National Party says it will establish a Minister for Hunting and Fishing if it wins the next election.
It says it will also guarantee access to public lands for hunters and fishers, and partner with volunteer groups to maintain huts.
“Tens of thousands of New Zealanders have grown up hunting and fishing. Hunters help control animal numbers, protect biodiversity by eradicating pests, and provide food for their families,” says National’s hunting and fishing spokesperson, Todd McClay.
“Hunting and fishing also foster tourism and are part of Kiwis’ DNA,” he says.
“The package National is announcing supports the rights of New Zealanders to continue to hunt and fish while protecting and enhancing our natural environment.”
National’s priorities for hunting and fishing include: creating a minister solely dedicated to these activities, enhancing the Game Animal Council by identifying key wildlife herds, altering legislation so that game animals are not considered pests, and ensuring public land is open for hunting and fishing.
The party wants to establish a partnership to preserve huts on DOC land for recreational use, standing in support of Fish & Game New Zealand while safeguarding trout and salmon fishing, and rejecting the implementation of licences for game animal hunting or sea fishing.
“This package supports recreational hunters and fishers across the country and will be achieved within existing resources by partnering with community groups,” says McClay.
“National believes conservation and recreation can work in harmony. That’s what this package will deliver.”
Fish & Game New Zealand says the National Party’s support for hunting and fishing recognises the valuable contribution anglers and hunters make to the country’s conservation efforts.
“Kiwis from all walks of life value access to New Zealand’s natural environment and fish and game resources,” says Corina Jordan, chief executive of Fish & Game NZ.
“Angling and hunting are deeply embedded into the fabric of our rural communities, towns, and cities across the country.”
She says mental health and wellbeing and the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family in the great outdoors are the key reasons why New Zealanders and international visitors hunt and fish. Conservation, pest management, and the ability to feed their whānau are also major drawcards.
“That’s why we support any initiative that acknowledges and celebrates the contribution of anglers and hunters.
“We are particularly pleased the National Party’s policy includes permanent seats for hunting and fishing on the Conservation Authority and Conservation Boards. Our anglers and hunters are at the vanguard of the country’s conservation efforts and deserve a greater voice and greater credit for their massive contribution.”
Jordan says it is encouraging that the policy recognises there is a place in New Zealand’s eco-system for valued introduced species such as game birds, trout and salmon alongside other waterfowl and freshwater species.
“Trout and salmon have some of the highest freshwater quality and quantity requirements out of our freshwater species. This has enabled Fish & Game to argue for water quality and quantity standards that have protected not just the species under our jurisdiction, but all freshwater species, including those that are taonga and valued by mana whenua.
“We’re pleased politicians from all parties are listening to us. Parliament’s Environment Select Committee recently recommended the Government enshrine the protection of the habitat of trout and salmon alongside the protection of indigenous species in the planned Natural and Built Environment Act.
“The select committee also recognised the values Kiwis place on public access to lakes and rivers and recreational use and enjoyment of the natural environment. It called for these values to be maintained and enhanced.”
“Fish & Game and our licence holders are the country’s leading freshwater champions. We have an outstanding record of achievements in protecting and enhancing the environment, including creating, restoring and protecting wetlands.”
Photography: Colman Byrne on Unsplash