
West Coast implements new whitebaite regulations

The final new whitebaiting regulations will roll out for the South Island’s West Coast on the first day of this year’s whitebaiting season, 1 September.

The new six metre maximum whitebaiting gear length for the West Coast brings it in line with the rest of the country. This change mainly affects fishing gear used from whitebaiting stands.


Department of Conservation Freshwater Species Manager Emily Funnell says the new regulations, which DOC began rolling out in 2021, were developed to ensure a sustainable whitebait fishery.

“The new regulations mean whitebaiting will remain an option for recreational fishers, the rules are more nationally consistent, and fishing pressure is reduced.

“Whitebait are taonga and mahinga kai for Māori and provide a much-loved recreational pastime for New Zealanders. But four of the six whitebait species are classified as threatened or at risk of extinction from various causes, including habitat loss and barriers to their migration. We want to ensure the decline is reversed.”

The new West Coast regulation will also help to address equity issues. Until this year, West Coast stand-holders could harvest significant amounts of whitebait using extensive net and screen lengths, meaning whitebaiters without stands were disadvantaged.

Funnell urges whitebaiters to play their part in curbing the spread of invasive freshwater pests this season, with a specific focus on gold clam.

“No matter where you whitebait, be sure to follow Biosecurity New Zealand’s updated Check, Clean, Dry advice. As an extra precautionary measure, if you are fishing in the Waikato, stick to whitebaiting in only one river for the season to reduce the risk of your gear and waders spreading gold clam.”

She suggests that teachers, young whitebaiters, and their families take a look at an innovative educational tool for children that delves into the intriguing life cycle of whitebait species.

“The resource includes a boardgame, word-find and lots of fun and interesting facts. It’s now live on our website, right on time for Conservation Week, 14 – 20 August.”

The whitebaiting season takes place from 1 September to 30 October.

Photography: DOC

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